Got Bounce?
Got Bounce?
To move quickly back up
To rebound
To leap, jump, spring up
To expel or remove or dismiss
To eliminate by defeating
To walk with a spring in your steps
To recover from a hard blow or defeat
To return to the sender with notification of failed delivery
To go quickly from one place to another
To have gusto, vitality and a zing!
This life has some hard hits, sometimes it’s because:
-We make bad decisions and wrong choices and we fall flat on our face.
-Others make decisions that affect us & knocks us down.
-The devil is always trying to knock us down and take us out & destroy us.
Life seems to never be short of hard hits, knock downs, failures, defeats and disappointments…
BUT, we can BOUNCE back!
Everyone of us could tell a story about something we’ve been through in life, and everyone else would say “oh that is just awful, you deserve to be sad, down, discouraged or depressed.
-Statistics may say 99 % of people who have been thru what you have been thru don't make it to victory, they are left with emotional scars, messed up relationships, financial setbacks, they will never be the same, will have to deal with “issues” their whole life.
-Oprah and Dr. Phil may dedicate a whole program to people who have been thru what you've been thru and share how it will affect you for the rest of your life....
But YOU DON’T have to follow those statistics! Even if there is no record of someone in the “books” ever winning over your situation, I want you to know that you CAN! With God ALL things are possible, He has a way of VICTORY for YOU!
HE can and will put a spring in your step!
HE can help you recover from a hard blow or defeat
HE can help you go quickly from one place to another
HE can give you your ZING back!
I’ve been in full time ministry for almost 33 years and I’ve talked with many people who have had terrible things happen to them, awful, hurtful, tragic and abusive things. I’ve seen some “bounce back” and others not “bounce back”.
Why do some “got bounce” and other don’t?
I don’t have any degree in Psychology or Human Behavior, but I have observed people, talked with them, tried to give them the Word of God and help them, and here are the top 3 reasons I have seen in my 33 years of ministry is the reason some got bounce and some don’t.
1. It’s YOUR choice
2. You need to go to the right church that teaches VICTORY
3. You need to stay filled with the Spirit
I will talk about each one of these three things in upcoming blogs. But for now, just know that you CAN bounce back from anything! You can:
-move quickly back up
-leap, jump, spring up
-walk with a spring in your steps
-recover from a hard blow or defeat
-go quickly from one place to another
-have gusto, vitality and a zing!
Love you all, and you can always reach me at
Have a lemonade kind of day, Carla
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