God Makes Us AMAZING Lemonade to Bless Others

God doesn’t call and use those who are qualified! He qualifies the called! That’s great news for all of us because we all can relate to at least one or more of these men and women in the Bible that God used in powerful ways! 
God is GREAT at taking our “lemons” and turning us into amazing “lemonade” to bless others!

 Jacob was a cheater
Peter had a temper
David had an affair
Noah got drunk
Jonah ran from God
Paul was a murderer
Gideon was insecure
Miriam was a gossiper
Martha was a worrier
Thomas was a doubter
Sara was impatient
Elijah was moody
Moses stuttered
Zacchaeus was short
Abraham was old
Sarah was old
Lazarus was dead

Have a “lemonade” kind of day! 
Carla Cappetto


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